Art Installations

My most passionate artform is making original artworks. The greatest application of that is art installations. Permanent investments of art made for the client. The process is a unique a collaboration with the artist and the company. Sometimes the projects are so large that they become an artist in residence. Where the artist is solely focused on that project.

About the Artist

Roscoe Lamontagne is a full time artist in Massachusetts.

MIT Ashdown House installation

Red Light 6′ x 4′ oil on canvas. Next to a Dan Flavin Installation, Ashdown House MIT
MIT Showcase 2′ x 12′ Oil on Canvas. MIT
Ashdown Modern 4′ x 6′
Eastman Ashdown 6′ x 3′ oil on canvas. MIT
3′ x 6′ Artificial Jaguar – MIT Private Collection.

Private Collections

Mill Falls 7″ x 11″ Oil on Wood, Property of 20TH Century Fox Film Corporation.
Lower Mills Station 7″ x 11″ Oil on Wood. Property of 20TH Century Fox Film Corporation.
Purple Teal, 4′ x 3′ Oil on Canvas. In private collection law office NYC.
Giga Factory 1 , 4′ x 4′ Oil on Canvas *Given to Tesla Manhattan 2017. Tesla Art Show NYC
4′ x 3′ Made at MIT 2019 in art class.

Sculpture Work

Modern Mantis Sculpture
8′, Mixed Media, metal and sea glass. Installation TILL Agency, Watertown.


painting mural in fenway boston ma